Sunday, March 6, 2011

Life of Rest vs. Life of Performance

Rest is No Joke

I consider myself one of the least qualified to write about rest. This is something that does not come easy to me. Rest is something I have had to work at. It is not just an action, but rather a concept, a lifestyle that I have had to learn over time. 

Two and a half years ago, I contracted Mono from drinking after a friend. Little did I know that I would be sick for a whole year after that. That's right, for an entire year, it took literally everything in me just to get up and go to the bathroom. This was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through physically and emotionally. I learned two valuable things that year: 1) Don't ever, ever, under any circumstances drink after people. 2) I learned to rest. 

Through forced rest, I finally understood that who I am is not based on what I can produce. I learned to love myself for who I am, rather than what I can do or not do.  I began to see that there is nothing I can do that will make God love me more or less. It was through living a life of striving and performance that stress would come. No more. Thanks to an entire miserable year of laying around on the couch and skipping out on fun social events, I have learned a beautiful secret to a happy life. 

Rest Requires Stopping

The Sabbath (rest) was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God created rest to benefit us. It is easy to fill our days with business and busyness. There will always be something to do...laundry, expense reports, dinner, yard work, etc. True rest requires stopping.  For some of us, true rest requires practice and discipline. 

I suggest that you take 24 hours and play. This is one day a week that you are not working, or  cleaning the house even. "I don't have that kind of time," you say. Well perhaps you don't now, but maybe you need to make the time. This is about loving yourself. I know, this is still hard for me, but I know that it makes a big difference in my whole life if I set aside time for rest. 

We all need refreshment. If this is something that does not come natural to you, then give yourself grace. Give yourself some time to learn how to rest. Disconnect from work. Turn off the TV and perhaps even your blackberry. Get quiet. At first it will feel a bit strange. You may even feel withdrawal symptoms at first. But when your hand  begins to twitch, remember there is something so beautiful about quiet rest. 

Perhaps you will want to read a book or magazine. Maybe working in the yard is actually more restful, than work for you. Play with your kids or your pet. Go for a walk and spend time outdoors. Take this time to pray, meditate, and refresh your spirit. If you do, I guarantee you will be more productive throughout the rest of your week.

"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work." Gen. 2:2

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