"During the Feb. 11 attack, Logan was stripped of her clothes, punched and slapped by the crowd, according to the Times of London (via the Daily Mail.) She was beaten with the poles demonstrators used to fly flags during the protests, and red marks on her body initially believed to be bite marks turned out to be the result of pinching.
As she was being abused, the crowd of roughly 200 men chanted "Israeli" and "Jew," apparently believing her to be a spy. Egyptian state media had been reporting that Israeli spies were disguising themselves as television crews.
Finally, a group of women and approximately 20 guards rescued Logan, 39, from the mob and took her to the Four Seasons Hotel for medical treatment. She was flown out of Egypt hours later and taken to New York, where she spent five days in a hospital. She was released from the hospital on Wednesday to recover at her home in Washington, D.C., according to CBS."
-AOL News
A thank you to CBS reporter Lara Logan for letting her story be known.
As she was being abused, the crowd of roughly 200 men chanted "Israeli" and "Jew," apparently believing her to be a spy. Egyptian state media had been reporting that Israeli spies were disguising themselves as television crews.
Finally, a group of women and approximately 20 guards rescued Logan, 39, from the mob and took her to the Four Seasons Hotel for medical treatment. She was flown out of Egypt hours later and taken to New York, where she spent five days in a hospital. She was released from the hospital on Wednesday to recover at her home in Washington, D.C., according to CBS."
-AOL News
A thank you to CBS reporter Lara Logan for letting her story be known.
"On Friday, the world watched a gleeful, giant celebration. History was made, President Obama told the world. Men and women danced in the street. Fireworks lit up the sky over Egypt. Although there had been bloodshed and pain, it paled in comparison with what a disparate group of people had done when they came together in peace. The people had toppled a dictator.
On Tuesday, CBS released a statement, short and straight, that punched people in the stomach with its staccato message. Amid that joyful party, there had been "a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating."
Lara Logan, CBS News' chief foreign correspondent, had been surrounded by more than 200 people in Cairo's Tahrir Square, separated from her colleagues and attacked.
After the news came the responses, in three distinct categories:
• Those who blamed her for being beautiful and blond in a foreign country.
• Those who blamed the Muslim country.
• Those who blamed journalism for not doing enough to protect women.
The responses make a terrible situation so much worse. (And cost at least one man, Nir Rosen, his job.)
Here's why this story is not just about Logan:
A 2008 study by the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights found that 83 percent of Egyptian women and 98 percent of foreign women experience public sexual harassment, from groping to assault.
Here's why this story is not just about Egypt, either:
In 2000, in New York's Central Park, an assault similar to Logan's occurred during a parade. Seven women were attacked. In the United States. Attacks occur everywhere, every day. Again and again.
The assault did not happen because Logan was a reporter in a dangerous country. It did not happen because that country happens to be Muslim. It happened because sexual assault occurs every single day to women everywhere in the world.
Here's why this story is about Lara Logan:
That 2008 report also said nearly 97 percent of Egyptian women and 87 percent of foreigners do not alert police after an assault.
Logan did not stay silent. Through CBS's statement, her story was heard. It gave voice to an incident that happens all the time, every day. Maybe it will push one more person to tell their story.
For that, I say thank you."
-The Washington Post
By Melissa Bell | February 16, 2011; 1:30 PM ET
Video Of Lara: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT-Hq117w8s&feature=player_embedded
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped..."
Ps. 28:7
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped..."
Ps. 28:7
Lara Logan was a courageous reporter trying to do her job. But Muslim countries do not respect women - under Islam women are mutilated, verbally abused, murdered and subjugated by those who embrace Sharia law. They are denied education and opportunity and even their own dignity. They do not play by the same rules as Western society - and their goal is to subjugate the world by the sword and to do violence to those that oppose their fanatical world view. Only naive liberals or left wing progressives think they can compromise or negotiate with these butt holes. Hopefully this example of Islam in action will be a wake up call to the elitists in the Progressive camp. Beautifuly blond haired women in makeup without their faces and head covered are considered whores in Islamic culture - you can't negotiate with a fanatical Islamic mob that views you as a piece of ass - not a serious journalist trying to get her story told. CBS set this reporter up to fail - I hope she sues the shit out of them.